Sunday, 17 July 2011

The Recap of the Week I Give Everything Up

Last Monday I noted that I would be giving up TV watching, and that while I was at it, I was going to give up eating wheat, dairy, sugar and sweetener too.

So it's the last day of this proposed week I give everything up and since cheating on my first day --

I cheated on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Sigh?

Here's the thing -- I did cut down drastically on my intake of television, super-processed protein bars with 6 unfriendly grams of saturated fats each, as well as the extra coffee I drink every morning. I had all but two diet pops instead of 6 or 7 over the course of the week. And while I did indeed fail at this "giving up" experiment, I did manage to remember super healthy old habits of mine like drinking green tea and working out before zoning out in front of the TV. What's more is that I probably read more than I usually do, not counting what I read everyday as part of my job, or what I read to Jimi (picture Hop on Pop, or the four hundredth time I read The Very Hungry Caterpillar. That Caterpillar showed me the way!)

Anyway, I was jonesing and starting to realize what a pain in the ass it was not to eat wheat, especially when pizza is my favourite food. What was I going to bring home on Friday night for dinner? A rice cake topped with tomato sauce? And then there was the birthday party, impromptu trip to Arby's on Saturday -- yes, Arby's, the most special restaurant there is -- where there is no possible way of not ingesting sugar or dairy or wheat unless you eat the meat plain and by itself and that would just be an exercise in masochism.

Morale of the story: really, Nikki? Give up wheat, dairy, TV and sweetener? Time to move to the organic veggie farm, harvest adzuki beans and read crystals to see the future. Then put on your hemp pajamas and get on your high horse to save those endangered whales. Then have a baby and don't tell anyone what the sex of the baby is, cause you know what, that would be the next damn step!

Good night.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

The Tuesday in the Week I Give Everything Up

Day 2 has not been without its charm, but compared to my first day of what some have dubbed as "crazy" it was a so-called piece of cake.

Lentil cake, that is.Well, lentil chips, really. I guess some reluctant health food nut finally had enough of the hemp ice cream and wheat grass smoothies and decided it was time to invent something a little bit more like the food they once loved. Anyway, I bought a bag of dill flavoured lentil chips this afternoon even though it's not like I gave up chips, popcorn, and their ilk. But it's not like it makes a hell of a lot of sense to eradicate moo juice and Shreddies from my diet this week but it's cool to eat Doritos.

I digress! Today went off without a hitch. The only thing was that I kept forgetting what I had told myself not to eat -- I wonder if my brain bits require some sort of sweetener to keep them working? Right?

Little Jimi must be catching on. He tried to cram his milk-filled sippy cup in my face after dinner with an impish grin on his little mug. As if, kid! Take your would-be generosity elsewhere. I'm doing an experiment. for no TV, I had to keep my back turned while Alex watched Wings of War or Hitler's Bodyguard or whatever it was that was on again, and last night I passed the time with a kettlebell workout followed by reading. Good times!

I can't say I in any way feel different yet, but two days in and I'm inpatiently waiting for next Monday.
Any suggestions as to what I should try to go without next week?
See ya!

Monday, 11 July 2011

The Week I Give Up Everything

My PVR died on Friday, despite attempts to reset it and hope for the best. In place of my list of recorded shows I get a box that tells me I'm shit out of luck: "The storage device is not working, so go do something else for a change." Anyway, after sweating angrily over this trouble, I have decided to go cold turkey. I'm giving up TV for a week.

And while I'm at it, I'm also going to give up sugar, artificial sweetener, dairy and wheat. And I'm going to do it "just to see." Yeah, just to see how much my life will change when I am not zoned out watching Gilmore Girl reruns, fighting a thirst for Coke Zero and granola bars, and afternoon trips to Tim's around the corner from my little office for ice coffee. Just to see what may happen to the weird new red patches I have been getting on my hands that don't go away with relentless hand cream applications. Yes, this even means giving up the additive-laden protein bars that have taken over yogurt and berries as my mid-morning snack.

Okay, so yogurt's out for a bit, too...

Anyway, here is how day one went:

AM: took soy milk in my coffee instead. Was at least endeared to my new Dunkin' Donuts go-mug. Not bad, if you don't mind the thought of "milk" coming from a bean.  While we're at it, what is almond milk? Just how does one milk an almond? All the while have I been eating little almond boobs without knowing it?

AM snack: two stale brown rice cakes with peanut butter (natural, naturally). Crunchy. May have lost a semblance of maturity and poise when crumbs became stuck to my new dress and I picked them off to eat. Also, had green tea instead of morning coffeee number 2. And it was green.

Lunch time: ate leftover veggie soup and pack of nuts. And apple. And drank some water. Suddenly, the prospect of not having a bagel if I wanted one is really angering me.

Afternoon:...okay, I caved on day 1. I got my ice coffee with milk and a pack of Splenda. Whatever.

Afternoon: Yeah, and then I had one of those protein bars. So, this is what happens when you agree to go to a meeting after work and...oh hell, enough with the excuses. It's only the first day, right? Ah ha ha.

PM: Dinner was chicken and veggies, no TV except what burned my eyeball when I approached it to turn it off.

Now it's 830, and right around the time I would be hunkering down with my PVR after completing all my mom and wifely duties. Instead I am foisting this new blog post to the world.

Tomorrow will be day 2. Then Weds day 3. Then I wonder what Friday will be like when I don't eat my afterwork pizza. Oh my. At least, at least, at least, I wasn't masochistic enough to give caffeine up as part of my week-long experiment to prove something unknown to myself. In the meantime, I will have to replace dreams of pizza, ice coffee and Coke Zero with water, rice cakes, and tea, and for Netflix off limits?

I can feel my insides cheering.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Flea Collared

The 400 Flea Market, aptly located at the 400 and Innisfil Beach Road just south of Barrie, harkens to anyone in need of fun finds not available at mainstream retail outlets. While there today, I marvelled at the availability of throw blankets adorned with Taylor Lautner's half-naked teen wolf self, Newfie novelties like pineapple Crush pop, (why is this drink only available as a Newfie treat? Really Cadbury? As if the rest of Canada may not appreciate pineapple flavoured pop?) and Jingle Jugs. The jugs, suprising, had nothing to do with milk. Cow's milk, anyway.  Nope, they were mechanical boobs that hang on a fancy plaque on your wall, and when turned on, the bikini-clad boobs bounce and sing. If only I had bought stock in this company!

Not to be outdone are the "outfitters." Luckily, if you are in the market for lethal weapons like fun deadly knives and clubs, pellet guns made to look suspiciously like machine guns, and ninja foot spikes, this is the place for you! Goodness, I was overwhelmed by the quality products offered by not one but two dealers for the violent wannabe vigilante in all of us.

But the best thing there? The Scarface lamp. Because nothing says night table decor like Pacino packing heat!

Awesome crap. That's pretty much it.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

The Beaver. Huh?

Gibson with his hand in the beaver. Why don't you go molest a wallaby instead?
Okay, so as I was leafing through the Entertainment section of the Star yesterday and came upon an ad for the new movie The Beaver. Under the title it read "He's here to save Walter's life."

Uh, is this for real?

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Oh, Dolly! Your song rings true!

“Working 9 to 5, what a way to make a living! It’s enough to drive you crazy if you let it.”

Am I yet again inspired by Netflix? Yes, currently they are airing the famous Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, and Dolly Parton escapade about three chicks working for the man, and their eventual success in overthrowing their deadbeat boss played by Dabney Coleman but maybe this week’s blog is more to do with my return to work this Monday from my maternity leave. So, I have devised some ideas on how to survive the cubicle jungle.
For one, how do we deal with lunch-stealers? Seriously, is someone truly poor and starving, or are we just dealing with an asshole here? Can you be so much of a tool that you figure, “Mmm, strange lunch. It doesn’t have a name on it, so it must be for me and my gluttonous ass.” How to fix this common office quandary? As Bart would put it, “poison pizza.” I mean, they’ll be dead, so you’ll know immediately who ate it, plus they’ll be dead so they won’t be eating your lunch anymore, right?

Also, ever fight over what’s playing on the radio? Some offices let staff take turns choosing the station, with Bill picking Q107 on Mondays and Sheryl picking Virgin Radio Tuesday, etc. But what if you just can’t stand to listen to anything anyone else wants to hear? Easy fix! Every time a song comes on, jump up and start to dance. Show everyone your robot. And sing along. And grind with the girl next to you, whether you be man or lady. “Oh yeah, this is my favourite song!” you screech. Turn up the volume. Sometimes pick the radio up and run around the office with it over your head, shouting, “I’m John Cusack!” Then when it’s your turn to pick the station, just sit quietly and bother no one. Eventually, you will win the right to listen to your favourite station – everyday, all day.

Meetings. Mostly boring, mostly in too-hot conference rooms, and you’re likely within withering-glance view of the boss, so it’s tough to play Brickbreaker on your BlackBerry and make it look like you’re “just checking for an important email.” While there’s the age-old trick of painting your eyeballs on your eyelids, that can only work for about the first three meetings before others begin to catch on. So how to break up the boredom? I guess we could act interested, listen, take notes, and participate, but who the hell wants to do that? That only leaves us with a few options:
  • Option one is to give yourself a paper cut. Shriek wildly that you have hemophilia and have to get a blood transfusion immediately. Grab your stuff and fly out the door. When others check on how you’re doing, just tell them it was a false alarm and you made a mistake – you actually have conferencitis, and you’re much better now.
  • Option two on getting out of a meeting would be to spill coffee on the most important person there. They would have to get up in a huff (most of these highly important types are sort of uppity, so they will), thereby breaking up the meeting as Mr. or Ms. Big Stuff goes to wash the coffee from his or her burning crotch, leaving you to begin to chat with your other equally bored co-workers about the latest goings-on on Sister Wives.
  • Option three is always just to get up and make like you’re going to the can, but really you’re headed to the staff lounge to check out what’s on Montel for about 15 minutes. Return with a sense of happiness – after all, Sylvia Brown was on today and you’re happy to think you have a spirit animal in your life (likely, mine would be a hedgehog. Or that thing, Tanglet, who worked for the villainous Duchess Ravenwaves on Lady Lovely Locks).
And what about diversity and love? Well, office love and acceptance takes a new step forward with the coming out of the office photocopier. You always wondered why it never printed in black and white but instead fabulous purples and reds. Celebrate diversity with a Photocopier Pride Parade every July (during office hours, and not on statutory holidays or weekends), and hire cops to make sure none of those bigoted fax machines try to ruin the party.
Happy Easter, blog-readers!

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Toddler Playsets Yet to be Created

The people at Fisher-Price need to know that they are missing something. Amidst the barnyard, house, and castle, they are forgetting about the more likely, more modern playsets for little ones to pretend with. With that, here is a list of Little People playsets I think belong in every kid's toybox:
1. Ontario Hospital. Comes with ER crammed with Little People. Easy stacking for little hands! Also comes with rerouted ambulance!

2. Tim Hortons. Complete with drive-thru and sign explaining the rising prices of coffee, line-up of coffee-hungry Newmarketonians, and dysfunctional Iced Cappuccino maker. Perfect for recreating your toddler's hectic afternoons.

3. Fitness Centre. Mirrors aplenty in the free weights area. Comes with our favourite Little Person “Anabolic Andy,” with cutesy-pie bugling veins and acne, and “Leathery Lily” just exiting the tanning bed in time for her fitness competition. Keep toys out in the sun for a more lifelike dehydrated look and feel!

4.  Golf Course. Comes with the whole Maple Leafs team, Ron Wilson, and even Abe Sapien look-alike, Jonas Gustavvson.

5. A-Team Van. Imagine a tiny B.A. Barracus, with a tiny Mohawk and rotund body with all that bling? I pity the two-year old who doesn’t get this playset.

6. Chilean Mine. Yes, it even comes with working escape elevator!

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Why the Leafs are Getting into the Playoffs

Okay, here is my excuse for this blog. I wrote it Tuesday before the Leafs were officially eliminated from the playoffs. Then Blogspot wasn't working, so no timely upload. Anyway, in the spirit of laziness, and perhaps denial, I didn't bother writing a new one. Enjoy!
Why the Leafs are Getting into the Playoffs
So, I opened my latest issue of The Hockey News, where they arrogantly made the odds up for who will win the Cup this season. Toronto apparently has a 1,000 to 1 chance! Thanks, The Hockey News for thinking you know your stuff, but no. I have several reasons to beleaf why The Hockey News is wrong on this one:

1. Optimus Reim. Yes, James Reimer has been a triumph. But guess what? He truly is a Transformer! When the going gets tough, expect him to morph into a zamboni and slowly flood the ice with too much water, thereby trapping the puck in puddles. Mwah ha ha.

2. They aren’t from Buffalo. That already makes us a winner.

3. Brian Burke’s really a leprechaun. He also secretly believes the Stanley Cup sits at the end of a rainbow and is filled with gold. I mean, look at his ears.

4. No devastating head injuries. …they’ve yet to have the idea of not making it this year rattled out of their heads.

5. Captain Phaneuf’s leadership. Part-Neanderthal face, part regular face. Think of it this way. How hot is Gretzky or Crosby? I think you can drive a truck up Crosby’s nostrils. Point I am making: ugly guys are winners.

6. Carlton’s affairs. We haven’t heard much about the scandalous three way affair between team mascots Carlton the Bear, Harvey the Hound and Sabretooth from Buffalo as the Leafs’ hot streak has us distracted. Do we really need the bear’s life to unravel so?!

7. Wilson’s contract. He hasn’t got the Leafs into the playoffs in his four-year tenure. So, he’s got to do it this year, right? (insert big, hopeful-eyed kid’s picture). And finally…

8. This can’t happen to me again. Why God, why? Can’t the Leafs get into the playoffs just…I’ll do anything. I mean, I will give up swearing, chocolate, popcorn, Netflix, padded bras, PC Points, anything!

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

(Truly, Truly) Truly Outrageous Kids' Parties

Outrageous Kid Parties is yet another example of the awesome indulgence rich weirdoes like to, well, indulge in. Little brats get spoiled in a way that even Daddy Warbucks couldn’t match as parents spend about half of my annual salary or more on loot bags
filled with iPods and Faberge eggs. It makes me think with my little guy’s birthday approaching: what are we going to do to parallel the party madness? So maybe that level of spending isn’t appropriate…in which case here are some ideas:

1. Instead of whacking a piñata, string up a regular garbage bag filled with an assortment of leaves. Kids love leaves!

2. Chuck E Cheese’s is great, but how about the alley downtown with the mice and a drunk guy singing? There’s bound to be some pizza in the dumpster there, too.

3. Pin the tail on the donkey is everyone’s old standby. Up the fun by pinning the tail on your friendly drug mule. Careful not to pop the balloon in his arsehole!

4. Now’s the time to be green, even when it comes to parties. Recycle those used coffee filters into party hats. Nabob makes a good brown hat.

5. Petting zoos can be stinky. Why not take the kids to the forest where they can pet wolverines, badgers, and semi-rabid possums instead?

6. Pizza can get pricey, too, so feed the kids delicious cucumber slices with cheese food product, a side of beets, and no name soda crackers.

So whatever the situation, enjoy your kids’ party! And please share pictures. We’d love to see the leaf-covered children eating beets and applying band-aids and rabies vaccine to their animal-inflicted “love nibbles!”

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

You Know You're at No Frills When...

I shop there. I used to work there. Everyone has one in their neighbourhood,  with their giant banana sign looming above the heads of employees and shoppers alike. No Frills, people.  Here are some ways to find out if you're really in a No Frills store in case one day you get blinded by all the yellow signage:

1. You're wearing your grey sweatpants and you're still the hottest thing in there.
2. All the cars in the parking lot have bumper stickers that read "I'd rather be watching Nascar."

3. There's a distinct greasy food/cigarette musk on half the shoppers who have just left the neighbourhood bingo hall to shop for Swanson's meals and smokes.
4. The mom in line behind you yells at her kids to put the Kraft Dinner back on the shelf citing that "It's too fancy. Get the No Name one."

5. Someone is trying to return a loaf of bread that has mould on it, declaring it wasn't like that when I got it off the clearance rack two weeks ago!”

6. The girl in front of you tells her boyfriend she wants "the good sauce" for her spaghetti. You soon realize she's talking about Italian salad dressing.

7. Lunchables are considered a delicacy by other shoppers.

8. The cashier's hairdo consists of super-teased bangs with a pink scrunchie holding back the rest of her beautiful mane-o-eightiesness.

9. The manager is the most educated guy working there, with a double major in White-Trash Economics and Box Pile Engineering.

Until next week!

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

I Promise Never to Blog About...

Sadly, I am not the first blogger in history. What with the internet allowing all folks to comment on the world and show off their stuff, it's even more unlikely that this is your favourite blog, right? Well, anyway, with the litany of blogs clogging the information circus we live in, I at least promise not to stick to mundane topics or regurgitate commentary that many have already had to listen to. With that, I give you the list of things I promise never to write about:

1. Men and their incapacity to pick up laundry/find anything without tits/put down the toilet seat. We get it, they're from Mars and therefore retarded.

2. The obesity crisis in North America. People eat too much crap and don't exercise enough.  The end.

3. The everyday trials of a mom. What, you mean other people have kids?

4. Hockey is violent. This is what happens when you live in a country that is fricking cold for 9 months out of the year, give people sticks and tell them to fight over something barely the size of a Swiss Chalet bun. Oh, and throw some screaming parents who freak so much during their kids' games that they almost spill their Timmy's, and you will have one beautiful national past time.

5. The Kardashians . I feel bad enough just giving them this much attention.

6. Charlie Sheen. He's Emilio Estevez's brother, and I've thought all along that Charlie got more attention than he deserved. We salute you, Coach Bombay. Who's ready for Mighty Ducks 4: The Revenge of Averman?

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

For the Love of (Ms.) Pac-Man

Netflix is airing King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters right now, a documentary that follows Steve Wiebe's eventual rise as the highest-scoring Donkey Kong player in history. His tale is not without its villians, wise wizards, and other nerdly folk, so if you're at all into geek couture beyond listening to Weezer and enjoying making McLovin references, this is the movie for you!

Anyway, as the film explores big-glasses-wearing, scraggly- facial- hair- sporting geeks' affinity for classic video games it reignited my undying love for that round little scamp, Pac-Man, and his progressive wife, Ms. Pac-Man. With their big black eyes, super jaundice and insatiable appetite, what isn't there to love? Both Pac-Man and his woman constantly evade death by ghost touch and somehow avoid becoming obese despite their munchies (must be all that running after ghosts, or running away from, depending).

But Ms. Pac-Man is the true hero of the two. She made taking the title of "Ms." acceptable. She faced the same daunting tasks as her husband in the working world, scooting around the same boards as his. She equalized Pac-people and brought to the fore the robust attitude of a can-do working mom, while at the same time embodying the ultrafeminine with her hot legs, lipstick, and a bow in her hair (head?). She's a lady of the '80s, however powerful without shoulderpads and cocaine, beautiful without leg-warmers and off- the- shoulder sweaters.

I don't know where the woman's movement would be without her shining example. God Speed, Ms. Pac-Man. Please take care of your liver.