I shop there. I used to work there. Everyone has one in their neighbourhood, with their giant banana sign looming above the heads of employees and shoppers alike. No Frills, people. Here are some ways to find out if you're really in a No Frills store in case one day you get blinded by all the yellow signage:
1. You're wearing your grey sweatpants and you're still the hottest thing in there.
2. All the cars in the parking lot have bumper stickers that read "I'd rather be watching Nascar."
3. There's a distinct greasy food/cigarette musk on half the shoppers who have just left the neighbourhood bingo hall to shop for Swanson's meals and smokes.
4. The mom in line behind you yells at her kids to put the Kraft Dinner back on the shelf citing that "It's too fancy. Get the No Name one."
5. Someone is trying to return a loaf of bread that has mould on it, declaring it wasn't like that when I got it off the clearance rack two weeks ago!”
6. The girl in front of you tells her boyfriend she wants "the good sauce" for her spaghetti. You soon realize she's talking about Italian salad dressing.
7. Lunchables are considered a delicacy by other shoppers.
8. The cashier's hairdo consists of super-teased bangs with a pink scrunchie holding back the rest of her beautiful mane-o-eightiesness.
9. The manager is the most educated guy working there, with a double major in White-Trash Economics and Box Pile Engineering.
Until next week!
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